
Google Calendar

Sync shifts, activities, and leave between Soon and Google Calendar.

use this integration
Google Calendar logo

Reduce scheduling conflicts to zero

The two-way integration allows you to create data in your schedule and calendar. Shifts, activities and leave made in Soon show in your Google Calendar. Vice versa, events from your Google calendar appear in the Workload view. Letting you schedule the way you like to work — without having a scheduling conflict ever again.

real-time calendar sync

Use Soon to schedule in your team's calendars

With the integration in place, it becomes easy to schedule onto your employee’s calendars. This enables you to keep your workflow the same as it fits in with your existing tech stack. Making it easy to distribute work across your employees. Everyone will have the latest schedule in their agenda without any manual copy-pasting.

Google Calendar view synced with Soon shifts, activities, and leave
prevent scheduling conflicts

Use Google Calendar with Soon Workload

Scheduling around meetings is one of the most challenging aspects of workforce planning. People schedule meetings themselves regardless of the general planning. This is the number one cause of scheduling conflicts. The integration helps you prevent these calendar clashes.

Google calendar events shown in the Soon Workload view to prevent scheduling conflicts
Receive schedule notifications

Improve adherence to schedule

Scheduling what needs to happen is one thing, sticking to this plan is where the real challenge is. The Google Calendar integration helps your team stay adherent to the schedule. Having activities from Soon in Google Calendar notifies you when it is time to switch tasks.

Google Calendar event notification settings

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