Want to write for the Soon blog?

Soon is a WFM software. We aim to help heads of support, CS team leads and Entrepreneurs find insightful articles about customer service.

Topics we’re
interested in

  1. Customer support stories and best practices.
  2. Workforce management done at [your Company].
  3. Team scheduling in action, preferably using Soon 😉
  4. Moving from a different WFM software to Soon.
  5. Business strategies that help companies operate or grow better.

If you have a story or pitch that fits a topic above, please review the rest of this page, then use the form below to submit your idea.

Tone of voice

  1. Write like you speak. Keep it simple and informal, yet do show your knowledge about the topic.
  2. Use proper formatting with headings, paragraphs and lists to make your article easy to read.
  3. Be clear and concise. There is no word count to reach, nor will we grade your paper.

Please also consider:

Original content only. Don’t send us content that is already posted somewhere else.

Focus on adding value rather than selling.

Make sure you have the right to use any images you include. Also include a caption with each image, they should add to your story

About our audience

Who’s are you writing for?

We publish content for people working in customer support, executives of operational teams, and entrepreneurs. Your content should inform them and ideally provide new insights on topics they care about.

Why should people read it?

Your content should be inspiring and ideally also be pragmatic so it gives readers a way to act on your advice. This helps the audience engage with your content and probably look for more articles you wrote.

What wil you teach?

Think about how the reader can put what you wrote in action, so they can use it to help themselves.